Write my essay

Write my essays seems to be something “terrible” for students. An essay can be considered a big project with many steps that a student can break it down into manageable sections. Following this process is the easiest way to draft a successful essay. According to H Kathy Livingston, there are seven steps to help you “write my essay” effectively and successfully.

1. What is an Essay?

An Essay, in the simplest sense, is writing about an idea or a problem (called Essay’s main idea).

The idea or problem could be:

– Give a point: you like or dislike something; do you agree with a certain viewpoint or not, etc.

– Give causes, consequences, and solutions to a problem. For example, give causes and solutions for the problem of wandering children, etc.

– Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of something. For example discussing the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, etc.

As John Locke wrote in “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” in 1960: “Essay expresses the author’s personal views on an issue. An essay is presented in many different forms such as: observing daily life, criticism, political manifesto, quotations, debates of scholars, memoirs of the author, etc ”

Essays are usually a short, highly practical summary that aims to describe, refine, prove, or analyze a topic. Students must write an essay on any topic, at any level, from an article about a high school trip to an analysis of an important “research”.

Education in some countries such as Canada or the United States places great emphasis on essay writing. Therefore, high school students are taught how to write essays in the right way. And many university require the essays attached to the admission application to cater for student selection.

Essay is also a way to evaluate student competency, sometimes it accounts for 50% of the final score of the course – Not a small percentage!

2. Tips to write my essay

2.1. Choose a topic

Maybe your topic is assigned, or you can be free to choose your favorite topic. If you are given the topic, you should think about the type of essay you intend to do. Should the topic be general or a specific analysis? Narrow your focus if needed.

If you have not been assigned a topic, you have a little extra work to do. However, this opportunity also gives you the advantage to choose an interesting or appropriate topic for you. First, determine whether your purpose is informative or convincing. Purpose of the essay is very important for you when you “write my essay”

Once you have determined your purpose, you will need to do some research on the topics that interest you. Think of your life. What interests you? Record these topics.

Finally, evaluate your options. If your goal is education, choose a subject you studied. If your goal is persuading, choose a topic that you are passionate about. Whatever the essay is, make sure you care about your topic.

2.2. Prepare an outline of your idea

To write a successful essay, you must organize your thoughts in an orderly fashion. By noting down what is already in your mind on paper, you can see the connections and links between ideas more clearly. This structure serves as a foundation for your article. Use an outline or diagram to record your ideas and organize them.

To create a diagram, write your topic in the middle of your page. Draw three to five lines of ramifications from this topic and write down your main ideas at the end of these lines. Draw more lines from these main ideas and include any thoughts you may brainstorm.

If you want to create an outline, write your topic at the top of the page. From there, start listing your main ideas, leaving space under each one. In this space, be sure to list other small ideas related to each main idea. Doing this will allow you to see the connections of your ideas. Moreover, it will help you write a more organized essay.

2.3. Write your thesis statement

After you have selected a topic and organized your ideas into relevant categories, you must create a thesis statement. Declare your thesis to let readers know the main idea in your essay. Look at your outline or diagram. What are the main ideas?

Your thesis report will have two parts. The first part covers the topic, and the second part points to the opinion of the essay.

2.4. Write the body

The main part of your essay argues, explains, or describes your topic. Each main idea you wrote in your diagram or outline becomes a separate part of the essay.

Each body segment will have the same basic structure. Start by writing one of your main ideas as an introduction. Next, write down each of your support ideas in sentence format, but leave three or four lines in between each point to go back and give detailed examples. Filling in these gaps with relative information will help bring together smaller ideas.

2.5. Write an introduction

You have developed your thesis and the overall essay, you must write an introductory essay. The introduction will grab the reader’s attention and show the main point of your essay.

Start your essay with a hook. You can use shocking information, dialogue, a story, a quote or a simple summary of your topic. Whichever method you choose, make sure it relates to your thesis statement which will be included as the final sentence of your introduction.

2.6. Write a conclusion

The conclusion is the “closure” of the topic and the synthesis of your overall ideas while providing a final perspective on your topic. Your conclusion should consist of three to five strong sentences. Simply review your main point and reinforce your thesis. Conclusion is an important part when you “write my essay”.

2.7. Complete

After you finish writing the conclusion, you may think that you have completed the essay completely. Wrong. Before you consider this a completed essay, you must pay attention to all the small details.

Check the order of your paragraphs. Select the first paragraph and the last paragraph in the body. Also, make sure that your paragraph order makes sense. If your essay is describing a process, such as how to make a great chocolate cake, make sure your paragraphs are in the right order.

Review the guidelines for your essay, if any. Many lecturers and scholarship formats offer different formats, and you must review the guidelines to make sure your essay is in the desired format.

Finally, review what you have written. Re-check your article and check whether it makes sense. Make sure the sentences are fluent and don’t forget to add conjunction to connect your thoughts or ideas in a coherent manner. Check your essay to see if you have grammatical and spelling errors.

3. Some common essay types

Autobiographical essay: An autobiographical essay aims to retell the life of the writer, especially in order to remember a certain stage or aspect of life (office life, Social life…)

Argumentative essay: These essays are often used to present an opinion that advocates or opposes a topic. The writers must make arguments “beneficial” for themselves to clarify their views.

Narrative essay: Retelling the progress of an event or experience is the purpose of this essay.

Descriptive essay: In this type of exercise, you will be asked to describe a certain topic such as a person, place or traditional culture, for example. Usually foreign language classes, teachers often give essays to introduce your country.

Persuasive essay: You will have to convince readers to read your opinion.

Photo essay: This is a collection of images with the same content related to a certain story. Authors can add comments or paragraphs to better describe the content of the image they want to convey.

4. The structure of an essay

The basic structure of an essay depends primarily on the writer’s choice. There is no general formula for structuring an essay.

However, most essays follow a similar pattern which consists of four basic parts:

  • Introduction Paragraph (Opening)
  • Body Paragraph
  • Conclusion Paragraph (Conclusion)
  • References

In particular, please note that you do not use headings 1, 2, 3 for opening, body, and conclusion

Only the “Reference List” section you use the heading only! This is the easiest point for you to distinguish between essay and report.

For a report, you need to set up a detailed heading, so for essay you only need to enter when switching to a new idea/section (whether moving from opening to body, or from body to conclude).

Therefore, when writing essays you also do not need to index.

4.1. Introduction Paragraph (Opening)

The essay opening usually has two purposes:

(i) Provide basic information on the topic to be discussed, explaining the context of the problem (“The introduction contextualizes the topic.”)

(ii) It tells the readers what the essay is going to say.

When I write my essay the introduction usually consists of one or two paragraphs, and you should do too.

4.2. Body post

In the basic structure of an essay, the body is often divided into several small paragraphs.

Each paragraph needs to discuss different aspects of the problem. However, you need to make sure that each paragraph connects to the paragraphs before and after it.

I suggests the structure of a paragraph in the body of a paragraph as follows:

  • The first sentence should be connected to the paragraph immediately before it. To do this, you should use conjunction such as “Additionally”, “However”, “In contrast”, etc.
  • The second sentence gives the main idea of ​​the paragraph. The topic sentence can stand at the beginning of a paragraph.
  • Subsequent sentences delve into the main idea of ​​the paragraph by providing reasoning to explain/reinforce the main idea, supporting arguments to reinforce the main idea, or alternatives, contradiction to give different perspectives on the same issue.
  • The last sentence summarizes the main idea of ​​the paragraph.

4.3. Conclude

The conclusion of the essay usually involves three main tasks:

  • Remind readers about the purpose of the essay
  • Summarize the answers to the questions raised at the beginning of the lesson
  • Remind readers how you found the answers to those questions.

Conclusions usually consist of only a single paragraph.

Let consider these ideas to have a good structure to “write my essay”.


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