Write my essay

Every cause has its consequences or results even if we don’t see it at first sight. This is the premise behind the cause and effect essays. In this article, I will share with you the most detailed when “write my essay” especially the cause and effect essay.

1. Skills needed when writing cause and effect essay

Believe it or not, “to write my essay” is a practical and effective way to improve the various skills you’ll use throughout your life. Take a look at the skills you will develop when you “write my essay”, especially cause and effect essay:

  • Writing skills: Doing various exercises sharpens writing skills and this essay is no exception.
  • Organizational skills: You organize the causes and effects in a way that keeps readers interested and avoids creating more confusion on this topic. While researching, you can identify a multitude of causes and effects. Good organizational skills are essential to properly classify and put ideas into your essay. Organizational skill is one of the most important thing for me when I write my essay.
  • Attention to detail: The essay not only addresses a cause and effect that can be seen by people, but it also delves deep and highlights some causal links that we cannot easily see. To do this, you need to pay attention to details. Writing regular causal essays will sharpen this skill and it can only benefit you, especially in the work environment.
  • Objective thinking: Biasing is a great skill to apply because it helps you to be more responsible. It doesn’t let your emotions interfere with your writing.

2. How to Write Cause And Effect Essay effectively

The quality of your cause and effect essay depends on your outline. You can think of the outline as the “backbone” of your essay, which will help you in the right direction. You have a lot to say in an essay, so getting off track is easy. The following is an outline of a cause and effect essay:

2.1 Introduction

The introduction should draw the reader’s attention and form the basis of the entire article. Provide background information that introduces the topic and ends with a thesis statement. A good introduction is a key for you to keep the reader’s attention on your essay

2.2 Causes & Results

This is the central part of the essay. You can write it in many ways. The approach depends on how you organized the article or the cause and the results you want to discuss. Following are some ways for you to “write my essay” easier:

– Many causes, one results

Here, it is imperative to show how many causes (C), most irrelevant, can lead to an effect (E). The structure of this essay looks like this:

  • Introduce
  • Body post
  • C1
  • C2
  • C3 (you can add more)
  • Effect
  • Conclusion

– One cause, many results

  • Introduce
  • Body post
  • Cause
  • E1
  • E2
  • E3 (You can add more)
  • Conclusion

2.3 Conclusion

Reasserting the topic and its importance. Summary of causes and effects essay is discussed and called to action while explaining what might happen if we do not take action on this issue.

3. Some tips for writing Cause And Effect Essay

Discussing some of the topics in detail and mentioning their causes and effects can be overwhelming. Don’t worry or stress, the following tips will make you “write my essay” easier:

  • Distinguish between the cause and the effect: The cause is the catalyst or the reason behind the occurrence of some events while the effect is its consequence.
  • Research: Investigate objects from different perspectives, expand your mind, and collect the information you’ll use later.
  • Create meaningful links: You need to interpret the results by creating links to the cause. Their relationship must be solid and well discussed. Avoid discussing causes and effects that are barely noticeable.
  • Quality over quantity: Avoid causes and effects that overlap. Remember, you should provide evidences to support your arguments.
  • Method selection: You can sort the causes and effects in chronological order, based on their importance or classifying them. When I write my essay I usually choose the approach I find most appropriate to the topic I have.
  • Always remember the purpose: The goal of this essay is to inform readers about the causes and effects related to the topics. It  rarely (almost never) relates to convincing anyone to accept your point.
  • Be objective: You can agree or disagree with someone, like or dislike, love or hate, but you should never show it in the essay.
  • Don’t exaggerate: Stick to the truth, even if exaggeration is more tempting.
  • Proof: You need evidence to support everything you write. Use reputable magazines, publications, and other sources in this process.

4. Cause And Effect Essay themes

4.1. Relationship and family

  • What makes people cheat on their partners?
  • What is the effect of living together before marriage?
  • What are the long-term effects of growing up with just one parent?
  • What is the impact of family vacations on family relationships?
  • What is the cause of disrupting the relationship between siblings in the home?

4.2. Environment

  • What is the most dangerous factor affecting the current climate change in the world?
  • Does human curiosity positively or negatively affect the planet?
  • What is the cause of an environmental disaster?
  • What could be the impact of global warming on the planet?

4.3. Social issues

  • What impact does frequent violence (from war or street violence) have on the community?
  • What effect does social networking have on actual communication?
  • How does a lack of freedom affect society?
  • What are the implications of living in poverty?

4.4. Technology

  • The impact of modern technology on children.
  • What effect does the internet have on young people?
  • What effect does the internet have on young people?
  • How does technological development affect nature?
  • What is the cause of technological progress in Japan?

4.5. Education

  • What are the causes and effects of a specialized change in the middle of studies?
  • What makes a person become an excellent student?
  • The cause and consequences of exam failure.
  • The causes and consequences of fraud in exams.
  • What are the effects of student involvement in extracurricular activities?

4.6. Psychology

  • Why did depression become one of the most common illnesses?
  • What makes a person in a good mood?
  • The effects of stress on students who study and work at the same time.
  • Why is good mental health no less important than physical health?
  • What are the causes and effects of having empathy?

4.7. Health

  • How does a person’s diet affect that person’s health?
  • Causes and effects of immunization for adolescents
  • Influence of smallpox adults.
  • What are the effects of long-term smoking?
  • What are the causes and effects of insomnia during the exam week?

4.8. Food

  • Causes and effects of eating seafood.
  • The effect of a vegetarian diet.
  • Why eating in fast-food restaurants is dangerous.
  • The effects of eating genetically modified foods.
  • What is the main cause of losing appetite?

4.9. Sport

  • How does regular exercise improve one’s productivity?
  • The causes and effects of ignoring physical education lessons in schools
  • Causes and effects of sports violence.
  • What is the impact of extreme sports?

4.10. Cultural

  • Why are movies based on movies so popular?
  • How does listening to music affect a person?
  • Why are summer music festivals so popular among young people?
  • How does downloading free music affect artists?
  • The long-term effects of game addiction

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